Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Cast and Characters


Time to introduce ya'll to the main characters in this blog.  Let's start with the star, shall we?

The Pony:

Marvin, aka Mischief Managed, is a 16 yo  TB gelding.  He's big and red - 17.3 hh, and approx. 1500 lbs.  Bright chestnut in the summer, a darker chestnut in the winter, with a crooked blaze and one white sock.  His favorite things in life are cookies, curry combs, bath time, rolling in mud, and showing off his extended trot.

He had a rough life before he wandered my way - he was literally pulled out of a field by my old trainer with a body score of 1-2.  I'll go into more details later on, but suffice to say he really was Starvin Marvin for a while.  Now currently one of the most pampered creatures on God's green earth.

I bought him as a hunter, and while he had lots of success in the hunter ring, we've spent the last few months dabbling in dressage, to rave reviews.  He likes the work and so do I...but do we also want to try jumpers?  Weanie eventing?  Who knows???

The Mama:

Aimee, a 30-something scientist who lives/works in Boston, and drives ridiculously long distances to see her pampered pony.  Rode as a kid, and then took 12 years off from horses after college to focus on her career.  Was not looking to buy a horse, much less a neurotic TB who had "more issues than an encyclopedia," but Marv convinced her to buy him.  So bought him she did, and they've been trying to figure out life together ever since.

The Extended Cast:

T, the ever patient fiancé/pony step daddy.  Not really into horses himself, but shows his support in other ways.  Occasionally refers to Marv as "the red headed step child," or "El Money Pitto," depending on what he (the pony) has been up to lately.

D, our old trainer.  More about HER later.

DL, our current barn owner and trainer.  The anti-D.  Quite possibly one of the most talented equestrians I have personally met.  And a nice person, too!!!

 The barn family:

Too many names to list off here, but let's just say I've been remarkably lucky that other owners/riders at my old and new barns have been more than wonderful - they and their horses really are family.

The support group:

Remember those issues Marv had?  Well, he has a team of professionals behind him that keep him fit and sound.  His vet, Dr. L, knows when to worry, and when to tell me I'm being a neurotic worrywart.  He's seen multiple surgeons at two of New England's best equine hospitals.  His farrier is awesome, as are his saddle fitter and masseuses.  These people may or may not appear in the blog, but trust me...they are the reason he's as happy as he is!

What's that phrase, it takes a village to raise a child...?  Apparently it takes an army to care for a Marvin!

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